"Masculinity/Femininity," directed by ATLFF alumnus Russell Sheaffer, screened in the 2015 ATLFF was nominated for the Jury Award for Best Documentary Feature and is now available for digital download, streaming, and DVD/Blu-ray! The film is an experimental documentary feature like no other; it questions gender normalities and sexual identity, while being filmed mostly on Super 8mm film. Throughout the film, experts and activists state their personal experiences and deliver monologues and performance art in regard to typical societal gender constructs.

Russell Sheaffer—director, writer and producer—is currently the producer of an upcoming short titled "Wishful Whiskers" and has contributed multiple works to ATLFF, including a multimedia installation titled "it's so easy (the mechanism of power)" and a short from the Copper block titled "On Surgery"

You can now see "Masculinity/Femininity" on DVD and Blu-ray, iTunes, Amazon, YouTube, or Google Play!

If you're interested in reviewing the film, Russell + crew will send you a free copy! Inquire here.